Paramount Disability Homes

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the NDIS?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a new way of providing individualized support for people with permanent and significant disability, their families and carers. The NDIS is designed to give people more choice and control over their supports.
Who is eligible for Specialist Disability Accommodation?
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is designated for individuals with exceptionally high needs who require intensive person-to-person support. Most people with disabilities do not necessitate SDA.
How is Specialist Disability Accommodation funded?
Specialist Disability Accommodation is funded through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia. Eligible individuals receive funding in their NDIS plan specifically allocated for SDA, covering the costs associated with the home or building where they reside. It's important to note that SDA funding does not encompass support or services provided within the dwelling.
Can I choose my Specialist Disability Accommodation provider?
Eligible individuals have the freedom to select their preferred registered SDA provider, unless their NDIS plan specifies otherwise. Providers claim SDA funding upon the individual's transition to their new SDA residence, with all SDA dwellings requiring enrolment with the NDIA.
What are the costs associated with Specialist Disability Accommodation?
Eligible individuals receive an allocated SDA budget within their NDIS plan, which constitutes the maximum amount the NDIA will contribute towards SDA supports. Additionally, participants are responsible for paying rent directly to the SDA provider, with the maximum reasonable rent contribution capped at 25% of the Commonwealth Disability Support Pension (DSP), supplemented by any Commonwealth Rent Assistance. Participants also contribute towards utilities, food, and personal expenses.
What is MRRC?
Maximum Reasonable Rental Contribution (MRRC) refers to the capped rental payment made by the tenant, amounting to 25% of the base rate of the Disability Support Pension, alongside 100% of any Commonwealth Rental Assistance scheme.
What is a NDIS Provider?
A NDIS Provider refers to an individual or entity registered with the NDIS to offer support and services to NDIS participants.
What is SIL?
Supported Independent Living (SIL) entails assistance or supervision with daily tasks to promote independence and skill development for participants.
What is a SIL Provider?
A SIL Provider offers support and supervision for daily tasks to aid participants in living as independently as possible, irrespective of property ownership.