Paramount Disability Homes

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Funding: Key Statistics and Insights

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plays a vital role in supporting Australians with significant and permanent disabilities, and Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is one of its critical components. SDA funding is designed to support the development and availability of housing options that cater specifically to those with extreme functional impairments or very high support needs. Understanding the scale and impact of SDA funding is crucial for participants, providers, and stakeholders alike.

SDA in Numbers

SDA Participants: As of 2024, approximately 6% of NDIS participants are eligible for SDA funding, equating to around 28,000 people across Australia. This small percentage reflects the specialized nature of SDA and the specific criteria required to access this funding.

SDA Housing Supply

According to recent reports, there are over 6,000 SDA dwellings nationwide, providing a range of housing options, from apartments to shared living arrangements. However, the demand for SDA housing continues to grow, with an estimated shortfall of 10,000 homes needed to meet the current and future needs of eligible participants.

Investment in SDA

The Australian Government has committed over $700 million annually towards SDA funding. This investment is expected to stimulate the construction and renovation of SDA properties, ensuring that more participants have access to suitable housing.

SDA Property Prices

The average cost of SDA dwellings varies significantly depending on location and design category. For example, in metropolitan areas, the cost of a High Physical Support SDA apartment can exceed $1 million, while in regional areas, the cost might be significantly lower. This disparity highlights the challenges in ensuring equal access to SDA across different regions.

Participant Satisfaction

A survey conducted by the NDIS in [insert year] revealed that 85% of participants living in SDA-funded housing reported higher satisfaction with their living arrangements compared to previous accommodations. This statistic underscores the importance of tailored housing solutions in improving the quality of life for individuals with disabilities.

SDA Funding Allocation

SDA funding is determined based on several key factors, which include:

  • Improved Liveability: Accommodates those with sensory, intellectual, or cognitive impairments.
  • Fully Accessible: Designed for those who require high physical accessibility, such as wheelchair users.
  • Robust: Built to be resilient, these homes cater to individuals who may display complex behaviors.
  • High Physical Support: Includes additional features like ceiling hoists and home automation, designed for those with the highest level of support needs.
  • Geographical Variance: SDA funding amounts vary by region. For instance, funding for a High Physical Support home in Sydney’s inner city can be as much as $120,000 per participant per year, compared to $90,000 in regional areas. This variance takes into account the cost of living and property prices in different areas.

Dwelling Types

SDA funding also differs based on the type of dwelling. Participants living in shared arrangements, such as group homes, may receive less funding than those in individual dwellings, reflecting the cost-sharing benefits of shared accommodations.

The Impact of SDA Funding

Economic Impact:

SDA funding is a significant economic driver within the disability sector, with the potential to generate up to $5.3 billion in private investment by 2025. This investment is not only crucial for meeting the housing needs of participants but also for creating jobs and stimulating local economies.

Future Projections:

It’s estimated that the number of SDA-eligible participants will grow by 5% annually, necessitating ongoing investment in SDA housing. By 2030, the demand for SDA could increase by 40%, highlighting the need for sustainable planning and development.

Participant Outcomes:

SDA funding has been linked to improved outcomes in independence, health, and community participation. Research shows that participants in SDA housing are 50% more likely to engage in community activities compared to those in non-SDA housing, demonstrating the broader benefits of appropriate accommodation.

Key Takeaways

  • SDA funding is essential for a small but significant portion of NDIS participants, enabling them to live in homes tailored to their specific needs.
  • The supply of SDA housing is currently insufficient to meet demand, with a projected shortfall of 10,000 dwellings nationwide.
  • Investment in SDA continues to grow, with over $700 million allocated annually, driving both housing availability and economic growth.
  • SDA funding allocations are highly variable, depending on design categories, geographic location, and dwelling types.


SDA funding under the NDIS is not just about providing housing; it’s about creating environments where individuals with disabilities can thrive. The statistics underscore the importance of ongoing investment, careful planning, and collaboration between government, private sector, and community organizations. As demand for SDA continues to grow, understanding these key statistics will be crucial for stakeholders involved in delivering and accessing these essential services.

If you or someone you know may be eligible for SDA funding, it’s essential to begin the process early, engage with professionals, and explore all available options to ensure the best possible outcomes.