
What is SDA?

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) refers to accommodation for people who require specialist housing solutions, including those with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs. SDA is designed to cater to the specific needs of individuals living with disabilities, providing accessible and supportive living environments that promote independence, safety, and inclusion.


NDIS Participants


SDA Participants


SDA Dwellings

Are you Eligible?

The general consideration for a eligible participant is having either an extreme functional impairment or very high support needs.

Reduced Functional Capacity

Learn about eligibility criteria for SDA properties based on significantly reduced functional capacity in mobility, self-care, and/or self-management.

Impaired Psychosocial Functioning

Discover the requirements for accessing SDA properties with severely reduced psychosocial functioning in mobility, self-care, and/or self-management.

Long-Term SDA Residence Impact

Understand how residing in SDA properties for an extended period affects eligibility when transitioning to alternative housing options and its impact on capacity and support.

Dependency on Supports

Explore the eligibility criteria for SDA properties based on a significant need for person-to-person supports, either immediately available or constant, throughout a substantial portion of the day.

Our Accommodation

Modern and Accessible Homes

Modern House

Our SDA properties are designed with accessibility and comfort in mind, featuring modern amenities and tailored layouts to meet diverse needs.

Variety of Housing Options


We offer a diverse selection of housing options tailored to meet individual preferences and support requirements, ensuring personalized comfort and satisfaction.

Specialized Support Services


We collaborate with skilled support providers to deliver personalized assistance to tenants, helping them live independently and reach their goals.

Flexibility in Design


We create modern houses that are tailored to clients' needs, providing them with flexibility in creating their homes and decorations.


Why Us?

Specialised Service

Collaborating with us guarantees you maximum freedom and choice, as our services are offered without the constraint of an attached SIL service to the house.

Codesign Approach

We recognize diverse housing needs and offer custom solutions, ensuring our homes are modern, functional, and accessible catering to each individual.

Empowerment and Choice

We empower tenants to make their own choices, supporting their autonomy and rights for independent, dignified living.

Comprehensive Service

Our team provides a one stop shop for all SDA services from initial consultation to ongoing management, ensuring tenants feel valued and supported in their SDA homes.

Client Timeline


Expression of Interest

Clients express interest in SDA through NDIS planners, support coordinators, or directly on our website. We offer an overview of our services, process timelines, and a preliminary assessment of their needs and preferences.


Assessment and Application

We assess the client's SDA eligibility with an in-depth interview to find the best solutions. Assisted by an NDIS planner or coordinator, the client applies for a chosen property, with our OT and financial model aiding the process.


Search and Selection

After the assessment and funding approval, we search for SDA options tailored to the client's needs, looking at location, design, and services. Clients join in on inspections to pick the best property based on their preferences.



All necessary documents are signed, and we arrange for moving logistics like transport, furniture, and making the property accessible. The client moves in with their team's help. We provide orientation to the new home and support services for a smooth start.


Ongoing Management

In the management stage, we offer ongoing support in the new SDA home, ensuring the client's satisfaction and addressing any needs. Adjustments to services or the home are made as necessary to maintain a high quality of life.

Have a Question?
We're here for you.

If you have inquiries regarding our Services on SDA housing, require management services, or are seeking an SDA vacancy, our team is prepared to provide you with all the information you need. Our team of consultants will reach out to you as soon as possible to discuss.

We provide a free 1 hour consultation where we will go through all your needs, whether you are a Participant, Investor or Provider.